Fee Concession Ruling for the session 2018-19 (College classes):
Office Order
- Those students who are the toppers in the university merit lists will be granted concession in the total fees 100% except University/Govt. charge & University examination fee.
- Those who stood in the merit list on the basis of result announcement by the University will be granted 75% concession in total fees, to be divided in two semesters.
- Those who stood first and second in their respective ctasses but with 1st division will be granted a concession of Rs. L,ooo/-in their total fees (split into two semesters).
- Those who got marks from go% to g5%o, g5% to go%, go% to g5% and above g5% in 10+2 examination wiil be granted a concession of Rs. L,ooo/-,2,ooo/-,3,000/_ and 5,000/- respectivety in their totar fees (sprit into two semesters).
- Two real brothers or sisters or brother and sister who are studying in school/college will be granted a concession of Rs. Z,OOO/_to any one of them in their total fees for the full session’ lf three real brothers or sisters are studying then concession will be Rs. 5,000/- for the two younger ones (Rs. 2,000/_ & ns. g,OO0/_ respectively).
- Father less students wiil be granted a concession of Rs. 3,ooo/-and Rs. 5,o00/_ for parents less students in their totar fees for the fuil session.
- Those students who belongs to vittage Jindowal and permanently resides in Jindowal will be granted a concession of Rs. 4,ooo/- in their totat annual fees(split into two semesters) after verification of the village Sarpanch.
Fee Concession Ruling for the session 2018-19 (School classes)
Office Order
- Those who stood in the merit list on the basis of result announcement by the respective Boards will be granted 75% concession in totalAnnual Fees.
- Those who got marks from 8O% to 85%o, 85% to 9O%o and above 90% in Matric examination will be granted a concession of Rs. 1,000/-, 2,ooo/- and 3,000/- respectively in their total Annual Fees.
- Two real brothers or sisters or brother and sister who are studying in school/college will be granted a concession of Rs. 2,000/- to any one of them in their total Annual Fees. If three real brothers or sisters are studying then concession will be Rs. 5,OOO/- for the two younger ones (Rs. 2,000/- & Rs. 3,000/- respectively).
- Father less students will be granted a concession of Rs. 3,ooo/- and Rs. 5,000/- for parents less students in their total Annual Fees.
- Those students who belongs to village Jindowal and permanently resides in Jindowal will be granted a concession of Rs. 4,O0O/- in their total annual fees(split into two
semesters) after verification of the village Sarpanch.